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ggn's pledge

Let me introduce the pledges of ggn Plastic Surgery.
ggn plastic surgery

ggn's pledge

For your tomorrow better than yesterday,
ggn Plastic Surgery pledges today as well.

Through a combination of efficient surgery that
achieve maximum effect, with minimum incision,
minimum recovery period, and minimum scar
We’ll find your beauty.

We’ll create a dreamy future through
simple procedure and burden-free surgery
even for people who consider plastic surgery clinic as
"a place where big and scary surgery using surgical knife is done".

Thorough hygiene and safety from start to finish are also uncompromising values.

Meet a new tomorrow at the ggn Plastic Surgery

ggn's promise

ggn plastic surgery
  • info이미지

    and disinfection management system

    At the operating room(OR), complete sterilization management is carried out
    and cleanliness is maintained.
    To prevent infection in patients, the OR is equipped an air purifier.
    Patient gown, operating gown, OP drape and uniforms are also sterilized.
  • First aid equipment

    We are equipped with cardiac defibrillators
    and emergency rescue equipment
    to properly respond to possible emergencies.
  • Head director’s customized care

    The entire process including 1:1 consultation,
    surgery and care is handled by the head director,
    and we provide customized care from A to Z
    to prevent damage caused by surrogate surgery in advance.
  • info이미지

    ggn Plastic Surgery
    without excessive treatment

    The medical staff of ggn Plastic Surgery
    without excessive treatment will never recommend surgery unless
    it is certainly necessary for the customer.