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eyelidLift 모델
ggn plastic surgery
eye 아이콘

Eyelid lifting

We meticulously lift droopy eyelids with
Dreaming Clinic’s special know-how
eyelidLift 원
  • eyelidLift시술특징01 Operation time 30~60
  • eyelidLift시술특징02 Anesthetic
    Sleep / Topical
  • eyelidLift시술특징03 Hospitalization not
  • eyelidLift시술특징04 stitch removal 5~7
    days after
  • eyelidLift시술특징05 Recovery period 5~7

Eyelid lifting 2STEP

ggn plastic surgery
  • eyelidLiftstep이미지


    We perform by tying the eyelids
    to the periosteum and fix them, after removing the sagging skin
    step 01
  • 02

    Lift the eyelid strongly and fix it. step 02

ggn Plastic Surgery eye analysis chart

ggn plastic surgery

eye analysis chart

Eye width Short Appropriate Long
Axial eye length Short Appropriate Long
Distance between eyes Narrow Appropriate Wide
Distance between eye and eyebrow Narrow Appropriate Wide
Degree of droopy skin Weak Medium Strong (part)
Degree to which the pupil is visible MRD1 MRD2 MRD3
Power of eye-opening muscle Less Normal Excessive Use of forehead muscle
Outer corner of eye Downward Appropriate Upward
Eye position Sunken Medium Protruded
Current double eyelid status None IN INOUT OUT
Orbital fat Little Moderate Much
Skin thickness Thin Moderate Thick
Skin elasticity 적다 Moderate High
Snap back test Normal Abnormal
Scar Yes No
Hollows under the eyes Bulging fat Sunken eye
Height of double eyelid Low Little bit higher Much higher Harmoniously

After precise diagnosis based on the detailed analysis of the Head Director, we only perform surgery that is absolutely necessary for an individual.